Smokers and you regret trying your first alcohol or cig? Why and how old were you?Idk why I asked this, just seeing how many people who drink and/or smoke actually regret it and know/understand what it's doing to their bodies.
Smoking=Depression, fatigue, headache, restlessness, irritability
Alcohol=Increased risk of cancer, arthritis, heart disease, hyperglycemia, kidney and liver disease, nervous disorders and obesity.
I can't believe anyone would drink or smoke with all those awful things that could happen as a result X_X
When I say "drinking" or "smoking" I meant tobacco/alcohol abuse, not just regular drinking or a few cigs every so often. Sorry for the confusion.
By the way, thanks to everyone who answered
Posted by justgocrazy
i don't know if i qualify for this question
i am currently quitting smoking
54 hours since my last cigarette
it wasn't the brightest thing to do in my life
but if it weren't for smoking
i never would have started socializing (asking people for cigarettes)
might never have met my girlfriend(the only person in my life too give a damn about me)
so i know it was stupid
but do i regret it
hell no. I'd do it again if it lead too the same results
Posted by TexHabsfan
I regret my first cigarette wish I'd never lit up I was 16 in Paris celebrating Bastille Day, didn't experience the symptoms you described, just didn't like the flavour or the odour it left on my clothes. My grandma was so pis*ed when I came home the next morning
Alcohol eh couldn't have been more than 12 .. dad was born in France and it's part of the culture there, more so than in the US or Canada
In time I have learned to respect / enjoy alcohol unfortunately too many ppl (whether if above the legal drinking age in their country or not) can't control themselves. I enjoy it in moderation but as I rarely binge anymore I see how it makes people look stupid.
Posted by ~GiA~
i do regret smoking... but it's a test of your willpower, and i believe everything happens for a reason, so drinking and smoking are both something that should always be done in moderation....except for smoking. That should never be done in the first place. LOL
Posted by Daniel S
Those are the effects of alcohol and tobacco ABUSE, not just alcohol and tobacco use. I drink maybe 2 or 3 beers a week, on average. On the other hand, I drink practically no soda, so I'm doing at least 10 times better than people who drink 3 or 4 sodas a day. I don't smoke at all and never will, but if someone smoked 2 or 3 cigarettes/cigars/pipes a week, it really wouldn't be a health risk.
Posted by Army Wife of a Deployed Soldier
I probably first tried alcohol at 13 or 14. Yes I know that is young. But I really don't drink very often! I have probably only been really drunk 3 times, and I was like 19 at that point. I really have not drank nearly enough for it to affect my health. I hate being drunk, I only drink now for the taste. And no I don't regret it. I mean I am who I am and I don't regret anything I have done. I have never smoked though. Always have thought it was disgusting.
Orignal From: Smokers and you regret trying your first alcohol or cig? Why and how old were you?
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