by Ken Lund
Sick diabetic dad! All symptoms of renal failure! What to expect next?He won't go to the doctor. I know there are lots of posts like this, but I don't know what else to do. His BMI is like 18.6 because he's been losing lots of weight. He's eating lots of candy and now he has trouble sleeping. The problem is that he's getting more and more abusive and angry as whatever he has progresses. What am I supposed to do in this situation? How long can he live with so much sickness?
I looked up the symptoms of renal failure on the Internet, and tried to keep track when he mentioned something or I noticed something.
His feet and ankles are swollen and painful. Sometimes his vision gets blurred or he gets dizzy. I have no idea what his blood sugar is because he hasn't checked it in a couple of years. It was always really high.
Posted by Fred the dog
If he has renal failure, with out dialysis, only about 48 hours
Posted by scarlettrhett
If in truth he has all the symptoms of renal failure (I wonder how you know this unless you are in the medical field) he would be close to death. Call your family Dr and explain the situation. Perhaps he can offer a solution. You cannot force your dad to go to the Dr or accept medical care. Not unless he can be legally considered incompetent and is unable to make decisions for himself.
Posted by belinda f
Renal failure, (kidney failure) is an extremely serious condition. Are you keeping a check on his intake and output of fluids? Is he swollen,(feet, ankles, legs, hands)? Is there any complaints of loss of eyesight? Diabetes can cause someone to have mood swings (as you have mentioned his anger and abusive behavior).
Also, hypoglycemia(that is when blood sugar drops too low) can cause him to behave irrationally. He actually may not know what he is doing or saying, therefore cant be held accountable to make his own decision about healthcare. What is his current blood sugar level? The best thing you can do is to put a call in to his md. If he is having trouble sleeping, it doesnt sound as if his sugar is too high, because hyperglycemia does cause drowsiness.
Posted by SpellBound
Unfortunately due to legislation, it is impossible to force someone to get treatment unless they are believed to be not of a sound mind.
This of course puts you in a very difficult situation. You obviously love your dad and no-one wants to see someone they love suffer. Have you tried talking to your dad, explain what you see what why you want him to get help?
Unfortunately high blood sugar can cause moodyness and agression.
I suggest talking to his dr and getting your other family involved. Do you have any brothers or sisters that can help? an aunt or uncle?
There is always help out there, you have to go and reach out for it.
Good luck!
Orignal From: Sick diabetic dad! All symptoms of renal failure! What to expect next?
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