
my cat has ckd (kidney disorder) any reccomendations on what i should feed her on.Shes 18months old?

my cat has ckd (kidney disorder) any reccomendations on what i should feed her on.Shes 18months old?

Posted by Keri
This is not advice I would just take from anyone. You definitely need to get with a vet because there are MANY things which need to be considered here.

Protein intake must be moderated and limited to highest quality sources; the extent of protein limitation is determined by how effectively and at what level, the kidneys are functioning. I don't recommend drastically cutting the protein level unless you cat is in the very late stages where there is nothing that can really be done.

Sodium intake must be restricted.

Phosphorus intake must be restricted. Avoid foods with an inverse calcium/phosphorus ration.

*Provide professional, fixed, formula food with restricted high-quality protein and minerals.
*Add crushed garlic to make up for potassium loss.
*Supplement his diet with B vitamins.
*Plenty of fresh water.

Check out this site:

Posted by Zoo
your vet will prescribe a diet for the condition. He should of allready.

Posted by honeychildbaby
i think you should feed her the food that your cats vet tells you to feed her. i will feed her special food. the one that is sell at the vet.

Posted by Due May 10, 2008<3
Your best bet is to use a perscription from your veterniarian. Most likley the would use K/D Feline wich is for the Nutritional Management of Cats with Kidney Disease There are many causes for kidney disease resulting in an variety of uncomfortable and life threatening symptoms for your cat. Kidney disease can be either sudden (acute) or occur gradually (chronic). Prescription Diet® k/d® Feline cat food has been uniquely formulated to help manage cats with kidney disease. Kidney disease can result from other illness or changes in your cat's health, breed/hereditary tendencies and even nutritional factors. The signs of kidney disease remain difficult to detect until more than two-thirds of kidney function are lost. The nutritional formulation of Prescription Diet® k/d® may also be useful for pets with a variety of conditions.

Posted by sleepycatz1972
your vet should be able to give you info on this. check to see if there is a holistic vet in your area - it may be worth a consult with them to see what they recommend too.

water water water - your cat's kidneys can't function without lots of it, so make sure she has it available all the time - and switching her to a high quality canned food will help with that. dry food isn't likely to cut it for her - she simply won't be able to keep enough fluids in her if she's kept on a strictly dry food diet.

limiting protein was the ages old thing to do, but some studies are now showing it may not be as beneficial as once thought. (Science Diet's K/D goes on the limited-protein theory and may not help as much as hoped.) limiting phosphorous & sodium are still the thing to do though, and you may need to see about a phosphorous-binder to help her do that.

crushed garlic may upset her stomach, and with kidney issues she's likely to already have that, so i don't know i'd use that. if potassium levels cause problems, ask your vet for a script of potassium gluconate to be called in to a human pharmacy - it's cheaper than pet meds and can be in liquid form so is easy to give. here's a site with kidney recipes that you can make at home - run them by your vet to see if they have all the necc nutrients your kitty needs.

good luck with her - she's awfully young to have such a disorder, but with your care, she may do well with it yet.

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Orignal From: my cat has ckd (kidney disorder) any reccomendations on what i should feed her on.Shes 18months old?

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