kidney transplant not happy?IF U HVE NEVER HAD A KIDNEY BIOPSY BEEN ON DIYALISIS OR HAD A TRANSPLANT STFU you have no idea what i went through i was sixteen yrs old when i was diagnosed with acute interstishal nephrites i was told kids were out of the question that my body would misscary but unforntitually my micrical of a son is what put my function from 29% to 8% diyalisis for a yr ( btw my shunt looks soo bad and feels worse) and on top of it all my son has congenital heart disease he already had one open heart and two other surgery so dont preach god to me i know all about him. im a year after a kindney transplant I was sixteen and im 20 yeah thats right it took my family almost three years to relize that i was going to die thankfully my dad was 100% match and i swear to god i feel so decived by doctors and phicans that i dont know what to do i havent gotten blood work done in forever cuz the last time i got it done they wanted to do a biopsy and i dont want to be no ones ginny pig cuz i swear thats all i am i dont mean anything to them all i am is a statistic a number in a file of how a procedure was successfull and i feel good dont get me wrong before transplant i was pretty bad but i have the worst case of insomnia ive strulled with it for years but prograf dont hel it cuz its a side effect from that and im always always sick i use to b a winter cold person i was healtly as a horse in the spring summer and most the fall and i get colds in the winter now i feel like im sick every other month i dont feel like i was told that after transplant i would be up everynight all night long be sick every other day get lectured by a surgern who buttered my body my insison looks like a 5 yr old did it. and tell me im still not aloud to eat and drink certin things like grapefruit i love grapefruit but no it effects prograts levals pffftt and instead of taking only 3 pills a day now i take like 20 and really sorry to the makers of valcyte and bactrim but im sick all the time and guess what it feels like the flu so ur pills suck so i guess im gona have to suffer through 4348 pills a yr for the rest of the kidneys life iam literly the walking dead because this diease will be the death of me so they say if i dont take my meds
Posted by Jesus that a question or are you just bitching that your alive? This is not the place to complain..
Posted by Brit Cadle
Are you seriously just complaining?
Or is this a question?
Posted by Jenna
I'm sorry, but I don't see a question...
Or any grammar
Or spelling.
Posted by House825
I've been on dialysis and had a kidney and pancreas transplant myself.
You seem very angry that you received a transplant . Your doctors are really trying to help you by suggesting biopsies and bloodwork.. I follow my doctor's instructions and have done very, very well since transplant. I guess not everyone does as well as I do.
You seem a little overly angry about things that do not matter very much. My scar is not pretty but thank god I have it because otherwise I'd still be on dialysis or dead. I don't think I'd be so worried about not being able to eat grapefruit. There are plenty of people who can't eat grapefruit because it interferes with many medications. There are diabetics who have lists of things a mile long they can't eat or have to limit. And then there's that crappy dialysis diet.
I am surprised you are still on Valcyte and Bactrim as I went off those within about 6 months of my transplant. (Actually, I'm not sure how long ago you had your tranplant). I would request a review of your medications with your transplant dr. I'd request a review of all of them because maybe there are other anti-rejection meds that would work better for you. I switched from Cellcept to another one because of some of the side effects. I still take Prograf.
I highly advise you get bloodwork done; that is the ONLY way they know what is going on, and it''s definitely the only way they'll know if any of your symptoms are due to rejection.
I am honestly really sorry that you have not had the results that I have had. It must be very frustrating for you and I hope you can find some answers. If you want to look at a couple of other websites where you can interact w/ the transplant community for ideas, try these:
Orignal From: kidney transplant not happy?
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