
Kidney Disease: will drugs show up on blood test?

will drugs show up on blood test?the blood test they're doing me is a full liver panel, celiac disease test, kidney panel and some other things that i guess are routine like cholesterol, red cells, etc.
it doesnt say "toxicology" or anything like that and in previous tests the results didnt say anything about any drug.
im kinda freaking out because i did coke and some pills about 3 days earlier.
will drugs show up even if they ae not specifically looking for them?

Posted by ~Meow Meow~
Coke should be out of your system by now anyways~ I don't think if they are not looking for drugs specifically, I don't think they will show up...

Posted by Eve
Yes, E and Coke will show up on blood tests for you for weeks yet. But they will only show up is this is what they're are testing for. They can't test for things that they have not told you about. When you go for the test they will give you a slip of paper with a plastic bag attached, on the paper will be a list of things they are testing you for and the bag is for the tubes of blood. So you can see for your self. Also unless your under 16 they can't tell any one whats in your system so it's irrelevent anyway!

Posted by jennib_69
It depends on your doctor and your insurance. I recently found out that with every urinalysis that I have done, they routinely do a toxicology screen. I discovered it by accident when my doctor accidentally mailed me her copy of my lab results instead of the copy I was supposed to have received. When she corrected the error and mailed me my copy, the drug screen wasn't even mentioned on it. I asked her about it and that's when she said it was routine. As for blood tests, I'm not sure if they do that or not. And honestly, I'd never heard of a toxicology report being routine with a urinalysis, and I'm a nurse. So I don't know if my doctor was feeding me a line of crap or if she was being truthful.

In any event, it takes 3 days for drugs to leave your system. As long as it's been 3 days since you've done any drugs before you had the blood drawn, they shouldn't be able to trace it.

Now, if you were to go in for a drug screen where they take a clip of your hair, then you're in trouble. They can detect drugs back for years, depending on the length of your hair. Every inch of hair is equal to one month of time.

And, lastly, for the bigger question, if you're having liver and/or kidney problems, why on earth are you doing drugs? Do you have a death wish? You should really back off of the drugs entirely to find out what's going on with you. Good luck and take care of yourself!

Posted by want2binhouston
what type of pills? painkillers cause kidney issues, and it will likely cause some questions that you'll have to answer honestly should the test come back with problems.

Posted by Smithy
I don't think so unless they're looking for it but either way it shouldn't matter if your over 18 because doctor patient confidentiality.

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