
Kidney Disease: Symptoms for 7 months, no diagnosis. Excessive hair loss, muscle pain, swollen nodes.?

Symptoms for 7 months, no diagnosis. Excessive hair loss, muscle pain, swollen nodes.?Hello!

I`m a 19 year old female who`s been experiencing a series of symptoms for the past 7 months that doctors have been unable to diagnose.

Firstly, my hair has been falling out and as you can imagine, this has been very emotionally stressful. Since about 7 months ago, I`ve lost more then 75% of hair from all over my head. The hair loss is not patchy, but has been thinning all over. I used to have long, extremely thick and beautiful hair, and now its almost gone. The hair loss is not localized to my head as I've even noticed that the hair on my legs and in my pubic area have barely been growing back after shaving. I did see a dermatologist and he said that I must have an underlying autoiumme disease that's causing the hair loss. He suspects lupus or a related disease, but as of yet, blood tests have shown no irregularities.

Since around the same time my hair has been falling out, Ive noticed that the lymph nodes in my neck have been swollen. Sometimes they are red and sensitive (especially after drinking alcohol or smoking) but usually they're painless. I've also been experiencing a lot of joint/muscle pain and stiffness. Some days it gets really bad and I can barely move, even typing/writing is difficult because the muscles in my hands are so stiff. I feel like every muscle and joint in my body is inflamed. I'm only 19 and I'm having as hard of a time moving around as my 55 year old mother with MS.

Lastly, (and I'm not sure if this is related at all) my skin has been really dry and especially itchy. I'm not sure if I've noticed any rashes, but I have noticed some redness (light red spots) randomly on my skin.

My family doctor did a thorough blood analysis and everything came back normal. There is no sign of vitamin deficiency, my thyriod was normal, no diabetes, my blood cell count was normal, kidney/liver function was normal, and I'm clean for STD's/STI's. I really don't know where to go from here and im terrified that if I don't find out whats wrong, I'm going to go bald.

Does anyone know what these symptoms indicate? Any advice as to what I should get tested for/where I should go from here would be great.

Thank you in advance for the help!

Posted by Moped Mama
my endocrinolgist , said i had sluggish thyroid normal levels, my VIT D was dangerously low my vit b 12 was low i have hypo thyroid symptoms normal thyroid I HAVE goitors never knew it until i choked and had ENT do a nasal scope, so follow my advice my endocrinologist put me on synthyroid , 37.5 mcg works for me VIT D and VIt B 12 also AVOID wheat products you could be celiac syndrome try eatting oatmeal rice potatoes NO wheat pasta buy rice and corn pasta drink V* 8 splash change your diet

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Orignal From: Kidney Disease: Symptoms for 7 months, no diagnosis. Excessive hair loss, muscle pain, swollen nodes.?

1 comment:

  1. I never thought that thyroid disease can also affect diabetic patients too. I'm glad I am taking bovine thyroid supplements . It makes my sugar back to normal.
