
Kidney Disease: My question is on Dwi and Chase card disablitily?

My question is on Dwi and Chase card disablitily?I was involved in an accident in Nov 1, 2007 no one was charged in accident the police officer talked to the other driver first then me he let the first driver go then comes to me didn't ask if I was ok or what happened just started smelling my breath had me walk a line asked me if I had taking anything that morning and I said all I've taking is my Xanax which I have a prosciption for and have been on this med for years I take alot of meds because I have arare Kidney Disease and am now on disability because of it. By the way the other driver hit me in the rear and the right side of my car and took off I went after him and he said you want me to call the cops and I said yes. He happens to be a permanganate name in the area. So the next thing I know is I am going to the police station no rights read or told what for . When we got to the police station I waited in the sation not a jail cell next a nurse comes and drowse some blood and I didn't resist because I known the only thing they would find is my xaxax I can't drink alcohol because of my kidney disease and I am on blood thinner. Anyway after the blood work the cop asked me some questions had me walk again then took me to a dark room and shined a flashlight in my eyes which were dilated my meds do that to me then he ask me to count to ten which I did then he sat me back in the waiting area so I called my husband the cop tells me to turn my phone off because the nurse doesn't like it. So my husband gets there the cop didn't say not to drive. All he said to me is your free to go. He also gives me a ticket for DWI If I was that impaired why would he let me drive home which I did and also went to work that night on 3rd shift the accident happened around 10:30-11:00am. I was coming from pin-ville 485 then 77 to Wilkerson to Francklin then 321 could I really Have driven that far if I was really that impaired? So I get a attorney in the area gave him the ticket he ask what I wanted to plea and I said Not guilty he charges a fee: depending on what you plea and it took until Sept of 2009 to get the blood results back that's all the attorney did until Sept of 2009 the cops kept delaying until they got the blood results back over 2yrs later. So in the mean time I became unable to work in Jan2009. So we finally go to court in Sept the two cops tell their story which wasn't the same and the judie says I failed the sybarite test so I was guilty the cop kept saying before the blood results came in that he smelt alcohol on my breath and I don't drink all the found was my presciption meds which I told the officer I took that morning. I do have trouble with walking because I have scoliosis's and osteoporosis I also have a spinal stimulator for this I got it in Dec2006. So my attorney tells me that will be $ 1500.00 more to appeal. I don't have the money because I am on disability now. So I had to take the guilty plea do 24hrs of community work and pay a fine that i had to get delayed until I can get the money The attorney doesn't tell the judge I am on disability because he hasn't talked to me in 2yrs I called and called but he was Always to busy to talk.I'd say that was not a good attorney but I couldn't afford another one I talked to a couple others they said I would Luise if I went to court with him so I am stuck with him. so now I have a DWI charge . One day when I went to court a girl ahead of me had passion's of pot and just got a $ 25.00 fine what kind of system is this I think they were trying to make a example out of me. I live in SC the ticket is in NC I have to have two attorney's. I can't afford one how am I going to afford two? I am also having trouble with my Chase credit card I have disability ins on it and their finding any all excess to not pay it off we bail them out who bails us out? I've paid for this ins ever since I've had the cards. What good is paying for ins if it doesn't pay when you need it. First the card was Providing then WaMa then Chase and I've paid ins on the cards the entire time I've had them.So what am I suppose to do I don't know what to do? Please someone help me I've prayed to God and I know everything happens for a reason but I don't know what the reasoning behind al this is I was a very hard and dedicated worker was with the company for Ten-yrs this year. My Kidney Doctor said he was surprised that I was able to work this long.

Posted by Bruce
If you look at the label on your Xanex, it will warn you not to drive. Driving under the influence of a drug is illegal. Having a prescription for the drug is not a defense. If it impairs your driving, it is illegal.

Posted by SCOTT M
Stay out of Charlotte!

You need a new attorney. If you have a DWI on your record, your auto insurance will go through the roof and it will stay there for years. It will cost you a lot less to hire a good attorney than to pay your insurance premiums.

Your new attorney can deal with your credit card company and may even be able to sue your first attorney for malpractice (negligence).

The main thing is to get rid of the DWI.

There's something very wrong here.

Posted by Pierre Forgeron
Driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol is illegal

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