
Kidney Disease: High &low blood pressure is not a disease,with medical science so advance,WHY stiill no cure???

High &low blood pressure is not a disease,with medical science so advance,WHY stiill no cure???When you are sick,say urinary track infection,doctor will prescribe a medicine(antibiotic for full course)after medication ,you are cure.Do not need to take more medicine,
But not when you have low or high pressure ,your doctor will prescribe you with medicine to control/regulate your blood pressure and you need to take it for the rest of your life.basically you are not cure and need to be dependent of the drug.Further down the road,as a result of medication,it lead to more problem,heart problem,then further down,it result in kidneys problem.doctor are not helping people but creating more health problem.When will there be a CURE???.
With medical science so advance ,there is still no cure in sight???

Posted by jaelmarjorie
There are so many causes of high blood pressure, the necessary thing is to cure the cause of blood pressure and only then can you prevent it. Sometimes it is simply related to age and hardening of the vessels. Sometimes it is caused by an obstruction, so the heart has to pump harder to get the blood to the necessary places. It is one of the most common problems, because it can be caused by so many different things. To be able to find a specific cure you must address the specific underlying disease process.

Posted by *Lin-z*
I do believe medical science is so advanced and because of that they know how to exploit the American public. They use the words treatment and medicine to reel us in. There would be no market for pharmaceutical companies if they put the "cure" on the market. They want to keep our business by proscribing treatments that also have side effects. Then we need "treatment" for those problems and so on.

Posted by nicekrboy
there is more money to be made from treatment, then there is for a cure.

Posted by homebound
The previous two answers are so cynical and jaded; I still believe that the vast majority of medical research is motivated by honest desire to find cure (there is, of course, a point to what those cynics say about the pharmaceutical industry, but that's smaller part of it...). Deviant blood pressure can be a sign of a disease - you need more tests - but if they are done, and nothing is wrong, the chances are you can regulate your blood pressure by changing your lifestyle (loosing weight, exercise,...). Try also herbal/alternative/homeopatic remedies. Look into it...

Posted by via4bruce
Actually that is no longer so. After 12 years in research & development a new, all natural product has been released on the market to help with blood pressure. Via Viente has been proven in human clinical trials to reduce blood pressure. The trials were designed to test this great tasting tonic's effectiveness in treating osteo-arthritis. It was also found to reduce blood sugar and heart rate. Anecdotal evidence suggest that it is also effective in lowering cholesterol. The list of benefits seems endless. Many of these results are seen in less than twelve weeks. How can one natural product do all these things? The answer is simple. It's the best single nutritional source on the planet. If you feed your body a proper balance of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, your body has the power to heal itself. Check it out for yourself. To study more, go to http://bruce.myviaoffice.com . Make sure you watch the introduction given by Olympic Gold Medalist, Peggy Fleming. To see the range of health testimonials, see http://www.viabenefits.com . Buy some now, live a longer and healthier life.

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Orignal From: Kidney Disease: High &low blood pressure is not a disease,with medical science so advance,WHY stiill no cure???

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