Could I have something wrong with my kidneys?I keep having pain in my kidneys. Not severe pain, but faint, uncomfortable pain and also I've noticed over the past several months that I don't urinate a forceful enough stream as I should. I went to a rheumatologist about 4 months ago (Not concerning this of course) because I had been having difficulty walking (pain especially when i first get up always) and she said I had arthritis and she found that I had a vitamin D deficiency. The reason my kidneys really concern me now is because I read that kidney problems can sometimes be the reason for vit. D deficiency. That coupled with urine output and kidney pain concerned me. Also, the fact that I was getting a lot of sunlight and calcium more than most people and I read that is primarily where your vit. d comes from and even a lot of people that do not get much of either do not have vitamin d deficiencies a lot of times. With the vitamin D prescription for 3 months my level is still low (24.1). I need to follow up with the doctor, but can anyone tell me if you think I'm having kidney disease of some sort? I've also had blurry vision the last year when I never did before but I thought that may be because I just turned 40.
Posted by clock
HI Brooke,
Kidneys are not equipped with nerve endings therefore one cannot have kidney pain. What you may be having is a mild back pain.
You have done the right thing. You are seeing a doctor. You will learn more about your health and your physician will tell you what is wrong and what you need to do.
Also, blurry vision at 40 is unlikely. Wait until you are about 55.
Orignal From: Kidney Disease: Could I have something wrong with my kidneys?
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