
Kidney Disease: Are african Americans curse, how can one fix this?

Are african Americans curse, how can one fix this?Black babies die more than twice that of white babies, but Africans in poor countries survive more than whites. Blacks have a 60% higher diabetes-related mortality than whites and suffer 30% higher cardiovascular mortality, 25% higher cancer mortality. African-American men have the highest rate of prostate cancer in the world.For African Americans, high blood pressure is epidemic. It's the severe high blood pressure that leads to greater rates of stroke, heart attack, and kidney failure. 90% of Black women suffer complications in pregnancy-a rate 3 times that of whites. 1 out of every 21 Black men can expect to be murdered. Blacks with lung cancer were 24% more likely than whites to die within 5 years. Black have a high rick of Alzheimer's disease with is almost unheard of in Africa. Black have a higher rick of heart disease, cancer, stroke, AIDS, accidents, homicide, diabetes, pneumonia and influenza, chronic pulmonary diseases such as asthma and bronchitis, and infant mortality.
Do any one know the correct answer???????????

Posted by jimlive247
Cursed, YES. Education is the only fix.

cursed never just think about who goes there to HELP.
edit please never again ask for information on this topic ever again and actually do something instead of pushing it out of your time to do, if making people lives happy is better than making money to u.

Posted by Local God
hahaha. no fix, we're just completely fucked when it comes to certain things.:), luckily, we didn't get ripped off on whats in our pants.

Posted by thegreatwhitehype18
would you rather be asian?

Posted by nchantingprincess
Probably it has to do with the genes

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