
High blood pressure, high cholestrol, bad kidneys. What diet?

High blood pressure, high cholestrol, bad kidneys. What diet?So my dad has had high blood pressure for a while, he's on medication for it but it's not helping. He had some tests done and found out he also has high cholestrol and his kidneys are only just working. He's having more tests done in 2 weeks to find out the cause but untill then we are kind of left in the dark. Just hoping someone could tell me what foods could help all three. I've read that for the kidneys you shouldn't eat to much protein, eggs etc. but that these are good things for cholestrol. So alittle confused. I don't want to hear about what the cause's and any diseases he could have because we know about them. Just want to know what we can do with his diet to try and help in the mean time. Thanks very much.
Thanks, he has been trying to do more exercise but he has a condition in his back where the sponges in between his disc's are worn away so he has to do special exercise which is pretty limited. Also he's on other medication (which isn't causing the problem) and he can't take aspirin.

Posted by Alyosha
You should use Acomplia, it is the best about it you can get information from here http://doctors54.notlong.com/1AAEQ74

Posted by Mary (dokhtar aryaei)
If your dad has not been on a diet for LDL, HDL etc., I would reccommend
very strongly he do this. Cholestrol is a major concern to clog arteries, reduce their diameter
and cause blood pressure to increase and to also cause strokes and heart attacks.
Strict diet and some natural supplements can lower bad cholestrol and raise the good.
Esercise works also to raise the good cholestrol and increase vessel size. Niacin, garlic, fish oil, aspirin help. A new all natural product from Menage Innovations called Cardio Plus helps condition the blood for better flow and remove cholestrol, plus another called Fiber Plus helps take cholestrol out of your digestive system before it enters the blood stream. There are natural products to help with this problem because the meds for this damage your liver and kidneys and
I feel this is a better and healthier way to go long term

Posted by Michael
do not eat a high protein diet.....protein puts a lot of strain on the kidneys....emphasize fresh fruits and veggies....not canned the sodium will raise blood pressure....

Posted by chrisbontnewydd
This first part is not answering the question, but I just thought this was something you should know. High blood pressure is the cause of kidney failure, so in a way, high blood pressure and kidney failure are just one symptom.

Anyway, to the question: Some foods which can be bad for the high blood pressure and cholesterol are salt (in excess, stay within 6g per day and you should be fine), saturated fats (eg. butter, red meats) should be avoided, but unsaturated fats (e.g. margarine, white meats) are fine. Also, alcohol is not helping much, and if his kidneys are on the verge of failing, it is taking a little more than usual to filter out the toxins, so alcohol should be avoided as much as possible (stick to drinking it on special occasions). It's also important to avoid too much protein.

The best thing to do is to stick to a diet without the above ingredients. Eat lots of fruit and veg, replace red meats with white meats, replace butter with margarine and try to eat plenty of carbs (pastas and rice are good). If in doubt about anything, consult your GP or see a dietician.

What do you think? Answer below! Learn basic information on kidney disease from the experts at Kidney Disease Info Blog.

Orignal From: High blood pressure, high cholestrol, bad kidneys. What diet?

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