
Feline Kidney Disease/Failure?

Feline Kidney Disease/Failure?The Vet says our cat has kidney failure judging by the tests. Has anyone ever had a cat that suffered from kidney failure? If so what did you find helpful if anything? Could it be something else? They apparently ruled out diabetes, and hyperthyrioidism but vets aren't always right I have found. He drinks more water than normal, vomits a lot there was blood in his feces on a couple occasions. He urinates in the shower and floor drain which is odd. What do you think???
they did two tests one was BUN and the other was creatine...one was 40 something and the other was 3.

Posted by cat lover
Unfortunately, kidney failure is becoming more common as cats live longer. And the worst part is that the special dietary foods for kidney problems are usually not liked by the cat.

I have posted a link that should give you a lot of guidance, and links to investigate further.

I am assuming your vet has done a blood test series, and they can narrow down problems quite effectively.

Posted by auntdebbie1230
Unfortunately, I had a 16 yr old male cat who suddenly lost the use of his rear legs, and by that time it was too late to treat him. He passed away at the Animal Hospital 2 1/2 days later. It was soooooo very sad.

Kidney problems normally don't show any symptons until its too late, in cats. A very sad thing.

They told me that if he had lived, he would have needed to be on Dialysis, and IVs and other Meds, which would have been very very expensive, since I didn't have pet insurance.

I am so sorry you are faced with such a tough decision, honey. Just keep him comfortable as best as you and your Vet can, and please don't let him suffer.

(hugs) Aunt Debbie

Posted by sarah
I agree - Kidney failure is fairly common in older cats. The best thing that you can do is increase fluid intake as much as possible. Purina makes a pretty palatable diet called NF, as wells as Hill's K/D.
The wet food is ideal - if you can microwave for a few seconds, then mix it with water so you get a warm slushy texture, that is even better, and tends to be pretty palatable. SubQ fluids can help longevity - if it is something you're comfortable giving, your vet could teach you how to administer them.
Unfortunatly, Kidney failure is pretty simple to diagnose. You would see increased number in kidney enzymes, including BUN and Creatinine. If you have doubts, get a second opinion. Make sure you take copies of her history including all tests with you.

Posted by Mr. P's Person
I went through it with a dog. To be honest it's not nice if it is chronic. If you can get them to eat the diet it helps some. IV fluids can help too although it is very expensive seeing as it has to be done pretty often. Unfortunetly there is usually at least 75% kidney function loss before you have any symptoms.

I would see how he does. Do the blood tests regulary to keep an eye on the BUN levels and work closely with your vet. If you are lucky you may even have a few years left with your cat, but it's impossible to tell. I do know from what I went through with my dog as soon as things start to look bad however tough it is for you to do euthanasia is for sure the best option. I will pray this day will be a long way in the future.

Posted by Pat
I do agree with the the others, but I would get a second opinion, just to be sure.
I wish you & your kitty the best.

Try going to this site for info.

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Orignal From: Feline Kidney Disease/Failure?

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