
Does a small right kidney cause high blood pressure?

Does a small right kidney cause high blood pressure?I'm now 45 yrs old. I had a high systolic blood pressure as a teenager.
In my 20's, both readings were high like 160/100 and I took Corgard 40mg for maybe 5-6 years. The high blood pressure went away and I didn't take any medicine for 10-12 years. But it is suddenly back at
readings like 158/96 and I was given Lisinopril.

Neither parent and no grandparents ever had high blood pressure. I did have an IVP when a kid, and it was discovered my right kidney is half the size of a normal kidney but both kidneys work fine. My Creatinine is 1.0 which is fine. When I was 25-30, they thought maybe I had renal artery stenosis - maybe the right kidney was small due to diminished blood supply? They did a renal angiogram and found my arteries were fine and the blood supply into the kidney normal. My potassium is 4.3.

Could a small right kidney cause high blood pressure? It is just so mysteriously I'd get such high blood pressure at such a young age with no family history. I do not smoke, don't drink, and while I should lose 20 lbs I'm not obese.
Yes, urinalysis was normal too.

Posted by inzanium
It's a tough question, because a small right kidney is indicative of chronic renal disease sometimes, which can cause hypertension, but your creatinine is in the normal range, so that kind of rules that out (I'm assuming your urinalysis is normal, etc)

One other thing that people miss as a cause of high blood pressure is sleep apnea, which could be another cause. Otherwise with a normally functioning kidney, and no renal artery stenosis, i don't think the hypertension could be secondary to renal disease

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