
could my symptoms of kidney stones dissapear just because im on antibiotics (info inside)?

could my symptoms of kidney stones dissapear just because im on antibiotics (info inside)?right, im 15 but i have kidney disease which causes kidney stones.

i recently woke up with bright red urineand pain when i wee so went to the doctors and sent a sample off, in the meantime they gave me antibiotics, which (for the moment) have cleared my symptoms,, although i still have some pain.

other symptoms that i still have are tiredness, generallyy feeling under the weather, i have chronic pain anyway but the pain seems to have gotten worse.

in the past iv had experiences with antibiotcs stopping the symptoms for as long as im on them and then the symptoms coming back as soon as im off them.

do you think this is an infection or a kidney stone ?

what shall i do ?
lol, i do kno what kidney stones are, i have experienced them 4 times..

Posted by chris_at_lucas
Kidney stones are raggedy rocks that form in the kidney and because they get stuck there (or on the way out), they cause pain and bleeding.

They aren't infection so they cannot be cured by antibiotics.

They will pass eventually, and probably not comfortably.

The best way to remove them is with lithotripsy, which is basically sonar that turns them into grainy powder and makes it much easier to pass them.

Meanwhile, follow the recommended diet, drink plenty of water, cranberry juice (tastes great, can't hurt and might actually help--there is research to support that), and see your doctor or nurse practitioner regularly. Kidneys are very hard to replace, and you really must protect yours.

Posted by Barb M
Sounds like you have recurrent urinary tract infections but only a doctor could tell by urine analysis. Your stones could be infected too and be the reason for the recurrent infections AND the pain. Perhaps they need to be treated so the infections stop or at least slow down. Also you may need a prophylactic antibiotic (taken every day or a few times a week for an extended time).

Posted by sunflowers
Sometimes urinary tract infections alone can cause pain or discomfort and even some very small amount of bleeding in the urinary tract. It is not possible for anyone on here to diagnose whether you have a kidney stone or not. If you are prone to kidney stones and infections, then you need to be regularly monitored by a physician and diagnostic testing done when there are symptoms.

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Orignal From: could my symptoms of kidney stones dissapear just because im on antibiotics (info inside)?

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