
Cocker Spaniel was diagnosed with heart disease... now Kidney Failure?

Cocker Spaniel was diagnosed with heart disease... now Kidney Failure?My English Cocker Spaniel is almost 14 years old. We just went through him being diagnosed with heart disease and had to have a tumor removed from his mouth and 13 teeth pulled. Recently he has been peeing on the carpet frequently, and since this was very unusual for him my mom took him to the vet. They first told her that he had serious heart disease and had anywhere from 6 months to 2 years to live (they didn't tell us much when they diagnosed him originally, just put him on a heart pill and healthy diet). They first thought it may be the medication, but after running test they found he is in the early stages of kidney failure. They said we'd just have to put up with him peeing all over the house, and just take good care of him. Has anyone else had to go through this? Anyone know how long he probably has to live, or anything we can do to help him? Also any tips for the dealing with the wet carpets (he seems to be peeing in his sleep every night now). Any info/advice please?

Posted by chaychayolei
I haven't experienced the heart issues before, but for the urination problems I would suggest a diaper. I know it sounds silly but I got a Cocker puppy a couple years ago and the thing that saved my carpets was a washable dog diaper. I got mine at petsmart, they have them for all sizes m & f. I would suggest to not bother buying the liners that they sell there because they're expensive, but buy some feminine pads from the grocery store or walmart, there are more and way cheaper.

Posted by Gems
kindey failur tends to act quick, it attacks quickly and probably puts your dog on the shorter end 6mths to 1yr left...
14 yrs is an excelent age for a EC btw.

if the vet says hes not in pain, a belly band (essentially a doggy diaper) can be put on him when hes indoors, itll need to be changed frequently and the area cleaned to keep it from mattting but it will help keep the carpets clean...
as for cleaning the caprets, natures miracle :)

Good luck, and as hard as it it, its time to start preparing for that day...

Posted by erins_kotybear
The best thing I discovered that would work with a male dog peeing was baby diapers wrapped around his belly. This worked because my dog was 10 lbs so it may work for your dog. Otherwise get a belly band from either the Internet or a pet store. Petco should carry them. They wrap around the belly and you put a pad in them (women's sanitary pads work best as they absorb the most urine.) I really suggest joining the K9Kidneys group on yahoo groups. I am a member and while was not particularly active when my dog was sick they were a tremendous help when Koty passed. A lot of the members are very knowledgeable about diet, supplements, sub-Q fluids, etc. Give it a try and good luck with your dog!

EDIT: a REALLY good site for kidney disease is www.dogaware.com I cannot give any accurate info on how long your dog has but just keep hoping and praying.

Posted by cs
Unfortunately, kidney failure is often associated with heart failure. Bad thing is that treatment for Kidney failure is lots of fluids, but this will make heart failure worse, meds for heart failure are hard on the kidneys. Its a balancing act. Diapers are a good idea.

Posted by texas_angel_wattitude
There are doggy diapers most petshops have them. I dont want to sound mean god knows I just had my own American bulldog put down and she was only 4 and it was hard. But your dog is suffering and maybe you and your family should come to grips with it and humanely have him put to sleep. Its a hard choice I held my dog until her last breath and about 20 minutes after wards but I did it out of love.

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