
Which of the following is NOT true about some of the risks from a diet that is high in protein and low in car?

Which of the following is NOT true about some of the risks from a diet that is high in protein and low in car?Which of the following is NOT true about some of the risks from a diet that is high in protein and low in carbohydrates?
A) a diet high in protein can cause kidney disease, since we have to excrete protein wastes through the kidneys
B) a diet that contains excessive protein (whether from animal source foods or plant sources such as soy) can cause an increase in calcium loss excreted in the urine
C) a high protein diet that comes from animal sources (meats, dairy), can also be a diet higher in saturated fat and cholesterol
D) high intakes of animal sources of protein, particularly red meats, are a risk factor for several kinds of cancer, including colon cancer, breast prostate and pancreatic cancer

Posted by Dick Fitzwell The Nookie Monster

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Learn basic information on kidney disease from the experts at Kidney Disease Info Blog.

Orignal From: Which of the following is NOT true about some of the risks from a diet that is high in protein and low in car?

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