What's the name of that kidney disease that male cats get? I think my cat might have it, or he's just a brat..I had a male cat die from this a few years ago, I can't remember what is was called, affects neutered male cats.
Now my 4 year old cat is behaving like the previous one, peeing on things out of the blue. He's never done that before.
Do you think he's sick or what??
the get "crystals" in their kidneys or bladder.
It only affects nuetered males.
Posted by animal lover
Urinary tract infection? The only way to know for sure is take him to the vet.
Posted by gypsy_cat 345
I think you're thinking of Urinary Tract Infection, Hon, and yes it's more common in male cats than in females. It will certainly cause him to pee outside his box, and can be FATAL so please take him to the vet ASAP for a urinalysis. Getting rid of it's as easy as giving him a course of antibiotics.
Posted by siamesedharma
I believe it's called FUS, or Feline Urinary Syndrome. You better get him to the vet. Any time they start peeing outside the litter box, the first thing you need to do is take him to the vet to see if there is a physical problem. Please don't wait. He could be dead soon.
Posted by RuneAmok
You've already gotten the most likely answer - UTI or FUS, and that you should take him to the vet because it's quite serious if not treated.
What I wanted to address is diet. Because males are so prone to urinary issues, it's even more important that they be properly hydrated. The only real way to do that is to feed them a wet diet. That can be either a good raw diet or a good quality commercial canned food.
Many vets will want to sell you over-priced "special" diets of dry food like Science Diet. Don't bother - save your money. While those diets may actually help, they're still not appropriate food for cats and I wouldn't bother with them, except perhaps to get him over the hump.
I highly recommend you start taking steps to switch him to canned food.
The reason this works is because most canned foods are around 78% moisture. This will dilute the urine which helps prevent those issues.
Orignal From: What's the name of that kidney disease that male cats get? I think my cat might have it, or he's just a brat..
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