
What kind of drinks make your kidneys work harder?

What kind of drinks make your kidneys work harder?I am doing a science fair project and I need help to understand your kidneys. What I am trying to figure out is which type of drink will make your kidneys work the hardest. The selected drinks are energy drinks, coffee, pop, juice, water, salt water, and milk. So our hypothesis is that coffee will definately affect the kidneys the most but what I do not understand is how we prove that. Does a more frequent urination mean your kidneys are working harder or does urine colour determine that?

Posted by Thomas SR
Salt water would soon overload your kidneys. It is much worse than any of the other liquids you have mentioned.

Posted by Frank N
Do some preliminary research. Caffeine is definitely a diuretic. Decide what you mean by 'work the hardest'.

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Orignal From: What kind of drinks make your kidneys work harder?

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