
What is the most common thing for someone with end stage liver disease to die from?

What is the most common thing for someone with end stage liver disease to die from?My father has been diagnosed with end stage liver failure since September 25, 2006 and just yesterday his doctor called me saying that i needed to bring him to the hospital his kidneys are failing and then today he had a heart-attack, his potassium levels are really high too, anyone have any idea how long i have left with my dad?

Posted by abijann
You need to speak with his doctors.
They have all his medical records and also
his test results. They can give you an
estimate, based on all this, of how long your
Dad may have.

Let me explain what takes place in liver failure.
There are many different causes of liver
problems. These causes can damage the
liver cells. When this happens, the immune
system of the body responds to this damage and
can cause inflammation to develop inside the
liver which will cause the liver to enlarge in
size. If the cause of the problem can be
removed, and the inflammation treated...then
the cells may heal. If this doesn't take place...
it can progress to death of the liver cells and
scar tissue forming inside the liver that blocks
the flow of blood to any healthy cells that are
left and also block the flow of blood through
the liver on its way back to the heart. This disease is then known as cirrhosis of the liver.
It is progressive and there is no cure.

The liver handles toxins that come into the
body, to convert them to a non toxic form.
The liver is no longer able to do this efficiently and the toxins build up in the blood. The
kidneys then try to remove these toxins on
top of the job they normally do. This puts
added stress on the kidneys and they are next
in line to go into failure after the liver does.

With having end stage liver failure, the kidneys
not functioning well, and the fact of having
a heart attack...the prognosis is not very good.
They can try to stablize him...putting him on
a dialysis machine to help the kidneys function
better...to bring the electrolytes into balance.
It will depend on how far advanced he is in
the end stage liver failure, kidney problems, and how his heart responds to therapy.

Wish I could be more uplifting...

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments! Learn basic information on kidney disease from the experts at Kidney Disease Info Blog.

Orignal From: What is the most common thing for someone with end stage liver disease to die from?

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