
What Do You Know about Vaccines?

What Do You Know about Vaccines?Did you know that most veterinarians will over vaccinate your dog? (1)

93% of Veterinarians will Recommend the following schedule for vaccinating your dogs.
6 wks - DHLPPC Lyme B
8wks - DHLPPC Lyme B
12 wks - DHLPPC Lyme B
16 wks - DHLPPC Lyme B R
1yr - DHLPPC Lyme B R
2yr - DHLPPC Lyme B R
And Every year after that till death - DHLPPC Lyme B R

American Animal Hospital Association, American Veterinary Medical Association Council On Biologic & Therapeutic Agents, Texas A&M College of Veterinary Medicine will Recommend the following schedule for vaccinating your dogs.
6 wks - DHPP
8wks - DHPP
12 wks - DHPP
16 wks - DHPP R
1yr - DHPP R
4yr - DHPP R
7 yr - DHPP R
10 yr - DHPP R
Every three years till death - DHPP R

D= Distemper
H = Hepatitis (CAV2)
L = Leptospirosis ( 4 serovars)
P = Parainfluenza
P = Parvo virus
C= Corona virus
B = Bordetella
R = Rabies

Did you know that when tested, the duration of immunity for Rabies vaccine, Canine distemper vaccine, and Canine Parvovirus vaccine, have all been demonstrated to be a minimum of 7 years by serology for rabies and challenge studies for all others? (2)

Did you know that yearly vaccines for dogs have negative affects on the immune system? (3)
Dr. Michael W. Fox DVM - "Adverse vaccination reactions resulting in disease (so called vaccinosis) include injection-site fibro- sarcomas in cats, and various immune-system dysfunction diseases, possibly hyperthyroidism, inflammatory bowel disease, various chronic skin conditions and kidney disease. More research has been done in dogs, where certain breeds and lines are particularly prone to develop vaccinosis. Conditions associated with same include encephalitis, seizures, polyneuropathy ( weakness, incoordination and muscle atrophy), hypertrophic osteodystrophy (shifting lameness and painful joints), autoimmune thyroiditis and hypothyroidism, liver, kidney and bone marrow failure variously associated with autoimmune hemolytic anemia, immune mediated thrombocytopenia."

(1) http://www.critteradvocacy.org/Are%20We%20Over%20Vaccinating%20Our%20Pets.htm
(2) Schultz, Ronald D, Duration of Immunity to Canine Vaccines: What We Know and What We Don't Know, Proceedings – Canine Infectious Diseases: From Clinics to Molecular Pathogenesis, Ithaca, NY, 1999, 22. "http://www.critteradvocacy.org/The%20Science%20Has%20Been%20Done.htm"
(3) http://www.shirleys-wellness-cafe.com/petvacc2.htm#1

Other resources for this information come from:

Please inform yourselves! Question your veterinarian!
I am spamming because there are a lot of uneducated people on Y!A and I am trying to expose them to information!

Posted by Sighthounds !!!!!
Yes I was aware that most dogs are over vaccinated, that's why I don't vaccinate.

Posted by Stalkers are cowards & thieves
&......you're spamming this because?????

Posted by Arooroo Mom
When I used to work at a boarding kennel, we would require the basic vaccines: Distemper/Parvo, Rabies, and Bordetella. When we would get the papers in from the vets it was insane how many times the dog was vaccinated for the SAME thing just formulated in a different way. It's so sad how you can't even really trust your vet to not screw you (and fido) over! Don't even get me started on their food recomendations....

Posted by pierced_chick123
Actually when it comes to vaccines in my area, this includes vets and the schooling they are starting to lean towards 3 year vaccines.

Every vet I have spoken with in my area are recommending it to there clients. And some its automatically done.

I was also informed about this in school when I took a vet assistant program 2 years ago.

I'm in canada, so I'm not sure what is being said about it else where, but it defiantly an issue that the vets are becoming aware of.

Posted by dorothy s
I have always questioned the use of vaccinations. I have had sixteen dogs who were vaccinated by the breeder before they came to me. However I have always been concerned about the dreadful chemicals that are said to prevent parvo etc. My dogs have never had annual vaccinations I use homoeopathic nosodes instead.

I don't use conventional treatments to prevent fleas, I make my own with essential oils and none of my dogs have ever had fleas All of my dogs have gone to training classes and have always mixed freely with other dogs.

In the past I have used worming tablets because of the dreadful things that I read about worms. Then I asked a very knowledgeable dog owner how often that I should do this. His reply was "why are you giving your dog worming tablets if she hasn't got worms". In view of this and the fact that my latest dog reacted badly to worming tablets I no longer give her worming tablets.
Worms have always concerned me, earlier this week I took my ten year old GSD for a check up and I took a faeces sample for analysis. In spite of the fact that she has not had worming tablets for two years there was no evidence of worms.

I have come to the conclusion that vets and drug companies are shouting and advertising their products to increase their incomes at the expense of our dog's health.
I have never needed to economise on my dogs, however in this economic climate there are people who need to do this. If anyone needs to know about the homeopathic and VERY CHEAP nosodes to prevent parvo etc.email me. I can also provide a kind and simple recipe to prevent fleas.
As an addendom to this, some vets ask before they treat a dog if it is insured.BEWARE At present I have an honest vet, unfortunately some vets suggest unnecessary treatment to add to their profits. If for any reason I need to consult a specialist who I don't know, I lie and tell them that my dog is NOT insured.

Hopefully the people who read this will not simply stop giving their dogs annual vaccinations. They need to use an alternative, the alternatives are CHEAP and safe

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