What dietary options do I have for my dog with kidney disease?My 11 year old neutered male sheltie is beginning to show signs of kidney disease. His BUN levels were last recorded at 29 and 34 for his last two blood tests, which my vet says is an indication of a very slow progression into stage 1 kidney disease. My vet wants me to put him on Science Diet k/d, but I don't believe in low quality bulk processed food like that. I don't feed my dog corn, by-products, and prefer not to feed him any grains as well as any other fillers or plant proteins.
I've read that plant proteins are harder on the kidneys than animal proteins and animal proteins are okay is early stages of kidney disease but my vet is adamant about a low protein, low salt, low phosphorus prescription diet. While I agree with the low salt and phosphorus, I'm not sold on the low protein and the prescription garbage.
My dog currently eats EVO Red Meat Small Bites, Blue Buffalo Wilderness Duck and Solid Gold Barking at the Moon rotations. I'm pretty sure I have to lower his protein, which I'm okay with.
However, I was wondering what kind of food (wet and dry food) is recommended for kidney problems for people who are seeking a more holistic diet for their pets? Any information is helpful. I can't find a pet nutritionist in my area, so this is so difficult.
PS I've been looking at Wellness Super5Mix Senior as a candidate with canned Innova Senior... That's the best combination I've found, but any and all genuine thoughts and experiences is welcome.
I've been looking at a holistic vet, and yes the cause of my dog's problems is probably his food, but from before I became better informed. I used to feed him until he was around 6 or 7 Kibbles n Bits and Moist and Meaty, and I believe the plant proteins and fillers have taken their toll on him.
Please refrain from blaming me for the issue; I already have blamed myself.
PS Can you explain why you feel Science Diet is a better food than what I have been feeding him and why my food choices are junk? I'm open to opinions, as long as they have been researched outside of the brand's lab.
Thanks for the info! The link didn't work for me but I'm checking out the website. I threw this question up here to get some ideas... This won't be the definitive answer here... I'm going to check out that group. I've already joined.
What did you feed your dog? I'm taking a pass on the Science Diet, I'd just love to hear exactly why Science Diet is superior to holistic diets according to Bonnie...
walking lady- I'm going to check your link out as well. That's an interesing idea with the high protein.
CJ Rossi, I just don't believe that the SD is even a medium quality food. I don't believe there's enough protein to effectively keep a dog in his peak health. Further, I don't know if the protein is plant or animal based, and the research I have done says that plant based protein actually makes the kidneys work harder. It will be a harder sale for me to switch to Science Diet. If I could find a medium quality, I would consider it, but I'm just not seeing it right now.
I don't think Science Diet is formulating a proper diet for a dog with kidney problems in mind. I think that Science Diet created a food decades ago based on the information they had then, and have become such a presence in vet's offices that they no longer feel the need to do research.
I realize your cats have been living for three years on k/d but I've also talked to a gentleman who continues to feed his Blue Buffalo to his dog five years after being diagnosed with kidney problems with no health issues.
I don't find a specific instance of the longevity of an animal to be enough proof for me.
I feel like feeding my dog chicken beaks and feathers and corn (aka SD k/d) with a low protein prolongs his life with kidney disease just to shorten it with a protein and nutrient deficiency.
I don't feed my dog high quality food simply because it is considered high quality. I feed it to him beacause I believe it is what is best for him. I don't feel Science Diet ever will be.
Thanks Cookie for the info on your diet. I have been trying to locate a nutritionist to formulate something for my dog as well. That's the only reason why I am looking for a holistic vet... well, that and I'm interested in testing my dog before over vaccinating, but that's a whole nother discussion. :o) Anyway, I love my traditional vet, but I was told that to find a nutritionist, the easiest path to take is to seek a holistic vet first and they would know where to go from there... not so much I'm interested in the herbal aspect of it.
Posted by Gentle Spirit
I am sorry about your dog's illness. I am not a veterinarian, so can't advise you on food choices, my suggestion would be to find a holistic vet. Vets that promote Science Diet are usually selling the food and making profit on their recommendations, which could be why your vet is so adamant on you feeding that food.
If you find a Holistic Vet, there is no way he/she would recommend Science Diet (junk food). This vet could advise and supervise healthy food choices and how your dog progresses.
Posted by Bonnie
Science Diet k/d is by far better food than anything you have been giving the dog. It sounds to me like you may have created the kidney disease by all the crap you have been feeding him. Stick to what the vet said, it is the solution to the problem. SD k/d also comes in wet food.
Posted by Cookie
You have done nothing to bring this on.......it's a condition that most often is due to genetics, not environment.
The important thing is to lower the protein level of the food. Read this about kidney diet;
I just lost two of my shelties to kidney disease, but lowering the protein levels, reading the archives on the CanineCushings-AutoimmuneCare@yahoogroups.com site, and giving fluids SubQ prolonged their lives quite a bit. This is not the place for serious answers..........join the CCAC list and the kidney list on yahoogroups also. That's where all the newest treatments are.....certainly not here.
By the way, take a pass on any hills or science diet. You'll find how to make your own diet on the yahoogroups sites and also how to give subq fluids yourself if needed. My vet worked closely with the CCAC list for treatment. Good luck
ADD ON; I fed a home-made diet from Monicas list,K9Kitchen. Sorry the link didn't work , I just checked and it's limited to just vets......Do a google search, typing in Treating Canine Kidney Disease and the vetinfo site is there along with several holistic treatment methods. As a pharmacist I'm reluctant to try holistic meds.
Posted by walking lady
I don't know the specifics of your dog's kidney problem, but I have an older greyhound with failing kidneys and the vet stressed that she needed to be on high protein food so her kidneys don't have to work as hard. She's also been on chinese herbs since she was diagnosed 2 1/2 years ago. At the time, I was told she had between 1 - 2 years and she's still here and not noticeably deteriorating.
I can also give you contact info for a nutritionist I've used. I felt the 15-page report she sent me was really, really helpful and well worth the fee she charges for a consult. If you're interested, her name is Sabine Contreras - www.betterdogcare.com
Posted by cjrossi
I am a raw feeder. Prior to being a raw feeder I fed premium kibble. I have also researched holistic and homeopathic vet medicine, and I "buy" some aspects of it - such as what holi/homeo has to say about vaccinations, for example.
I also happen to have two 14 yr old cats with chronic renal failure. They were poisoned by the melanine thing of 2007, so at first they had acute renal failure and one was very critical. We did two things: 1) subcutaneous fluid therapy (daily at first) and 2) switch to Hills k/d.
3 years later they're both still here, and you'd never know they were sick.
While I respect your values, as I share them myself - I recommend that you switch to the Hills k/d.
Sure - I would not feed Hills Science Diet to my dogs. I raw feed them. BUT - if they came down with CRF - I would switch them to Hills k/d without thinking twice.
Quite frankly, the difference between high quality and medium quality commercial dog food is not so big as the marketers of the premium stuff would have you believe.
That said - it is more important that you feed your dog a dog food specifically formulated to meet his most critical medical need, than any other consideration.
Please don't shorten the quality time your dog has left by being a dog food snob.
Signed, a dog food snob.
ADD: ahh... so you're here for affirmation then. OK, BA Cookie for agreeing with you ... even though she lost 2 dogs doing it the moonbeam way, and I saved 2 cats doing it the vets way.
It's not about what you perceive to be "high/medium/low quality" anymore - it's about food designed to meet a specific medical need! Yeah - you're right - you're "just not seeing it!"
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Orignal From: What dietary options do I have for my dog with kidney disease?
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