what are the symptoms of kidney stones in cats?my dad's cat is urinating blood and is in pain. His vet wont open until monday morning and i was wondering if it could be kidney stones, if it is, can he die from it before monday? thanxx
Posted by Catcanscratch
It might be kidney or bladder stones BUT unless a vet looks at your dad's cat then nobody can really diagnose it....Please take it to an emergency vet ASAP!!
Also if it's kidney stones then waiting 2 days can let infection set in - I passed kidney stones 6 months ago & by the time I was in pain, I already had a wicked kidney infection too!!
Posted by thedivineoomba
Yes, he can die before Monday. It could be Kidney stones, it could be Urinary Tract infection, it could be something completely unrelated, but the symptoms you describe sound life threatening if not treated immediatley, only a vet will be able to say.
Take him to the vet right now! IT will cost more, but be so worth it to have a healthy cat. Most vets have an after hours emergency line.
Also, waiting, even until Monday, could mean that it costs a lot more to treat the cat, or its too late.
Posted by J C
It can be the start of a blockage - and that won't wait until Monday. He needs to see a vet before he blocks as that is rapidly fatal. Blood and pain are a sign of a urinary tract infection, and he has that at the very least. When the pain gets too bad, he's going to stop using the litter box. Kidney stones are investigated when a cat has constant UTI's. A blockage is of more concern now than kidney stones, quite frankly.
Posted by troublesniffer
Hi there,
Here is an article about feline kidney stones that lists symptoms and how they are treated. If your cat does have kidney stones, it also discusses ways to prevent future attacks.
This is a very serious condition, as the other responder so very well explained. If this were my cat there is no way I would wait until Monday to take him to the vet, as a kidney infection, which can develop from kidney or bladder stones, is extremely serious.
Call an Emergency Veterinary Clinic and please get your cat examined and treated now. Do not wait to see what happens please.
I wish you all the best
Owned by cats for over 40 years
Orignal From: what are the symptoms of kidney stones in cats?
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