
What are the risks of Donating a Kidney?

What are the risks of Donating a Kidney?Luckly nobody I know needs kidney. I'm only asking because im currently watching the episode of george lopez where his dad begs him for a kidney. So I was curious and just came to ask this question.

Plus aren't these like genetic factors here? If my father was to develop kidney disease one day. Wouldn't that mean I would eventually to? Thats like. You give a kidney although later in life your going to get kidney disease as well so your screwed if you only have 1.

I heard some people are born on rare occasion with 3 kidneys. Lucky.

Posted by candycanee`oh-three
try this:

Posted by Allison
No; just because someone's father develops kidney disease does not mean the child would. Plus, there could also be a cure for that kidney disease, by the time the adult child (possibly) got it.

The #1 cause of kidney failure is diabetes. Type 2 diabetes is largely preventable (stay within a normal weight range). The #2 cause of kidney disease is high blood pressure, also largely preventable. Hereditary causes of kidney disease do not lead the list for kidney failure. When I was on dialysis, the clinic was full of diabetics.

Here are the risks of donating, and the detailed explanation of them is in the link below Of course the pro is that you'd be allowing someone to live by donating. From personal experience, dialysis, is not much fun and for some people it's miserable. The third time I went, a patient died.

1. Pain
2. Infection
3. .Pneumonia
4. .Damage to the Kidney
5.Blood Clotting.
6.Collapsed lung.
7.Allergic reaction to anesthesia.
8.Death. For living kidney donors, the risk of death is about 0.06% (about 1 death for every 1,700 procedures).

(Of course, a lot of these would apply to any surgical procedure) In case you did not know, George Lopez did have kidney failure in real life, and received a kidney from his wife.

Give your answer to this question below! Learn basic information on kidney disease from the experts at Kidney Disease Info Blog.

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