
Medically neccesary to have my tubes tied, what are the risks and what should I know?

Medically neccesary to have my tubes tied, what are the risks and what should I know?I am 23 and pregnant with my 2nd child. Now and even in my 1st pregnancy I am high risk. A combination of Severe High Blood Pressure and Kidney Disease caused me to have an emergency C-section 6 weeks early with my 1st. Now I am facing the same ill symptoms and test levels as I did before. Becuase these are health conditions that are present when not pregnant it is not sfe for me to take any kinds of birth control. So not only did I want but my doctor suggested getting my tubes tied. I dont know much about this procedure and every appointment I have its always so busy testing my levels and worring about my conditions and the baby there isnt enough time to talk about this procedure. Anyone who has information on the procedure, risks, and other info on it please help me.

Posted by jilldaniel_wv
If you opt for a tubal ligation then it will most likely be done after the delivery of this baby if it comes by c-section. The fallopian tubes will be cut so that an egg can't get to your uterus. Some women report having post-tubal sterilization syndrome. The symptoms include irregular and painful periods, mid-cycle bleeding, or no periods. While some physicians believe there is no evidence that this syndrome exists, others believe more research should be done. It is a permanant form of birth control and should it fail you would be at high risk for ectopic pregnancy.

Posted by che
if i can can i ask a personal question, if you are overweigh loose it not being sarcastic, eat a healthier diet, excersice, involve your children and your significant other with the healthful life style , you will feel better and they will as well, think twice about tubes tied you may regret it.... there are other alternatives, like the i ud, diaphram, woman rubber, etc. or male rubber, etc. but it seems there may be other health issues you could address... sorry

Posted by melashell
If your doctor doesn't take the time to answer all of your question and to make sure you don't have any more questions, i'd find a different doctor. Having a hysterectomy is a serious surgery so is a c-section. You need to make sure your questions are being answered in a manner that is suitable to you.

Posted by retfroggy3
I am 25 and I had my tubes tied when I was 21. I to have high risk pregnancys. My first was born almost 3 months early..weighing 2 pounds. My second I was a little better but so many restrictions. I had both by C section. After they delievered my son they just went ahead and tied my tubes. I tell you I don't regreat it. I haven't had any problems either. It was very easy since I was having a c-section anyways. Also I was well fit when I got pregnant the first and second time. Just my body does not do well. It happens. I have no plans what so ever to have more because of this. After almost dieing the first time then almost losing my daugther..its not worth it to go threw all that again. I say if you truly will never want another child and you know that then do it. Just tell your doctor. Now I am also married and had been married for 3 years when I did get my tubes tied. But I would sit down and make time to talk with your doctor. Also try looking up the risk online. But don't forget these are just risks. I mean think of what might happen if you get pregnant again

Posted by steve
Your doctor is right in advising you against further pregnancies as the problems you have can put your life in real danger during, before or after a childbirth.

However, if you do not wish to go in for tubal ligation, then what about your partner/husband? Can he help you by getting his vasectomy done, which is an easier procedure and less complicated.

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