Luncheon Symposium: Standards: The Basis of Care to Manage the Complications of Chronic Kidney ...
Luncheon Symposium: Standards: The Basis of Care to Manage the Complications of Chronic Kidney ...
View this Lecture for FREE by signing up at Viewany number of our other 28000 sessions from over 280 conferences by going to Speaker(s) Carol Headley, DNSc, RN, CNN Luncheon Symposium: Standards: The Basis of Care to Manage the Complications of Chronic Kidney Disease - Part III - American Nephrology Nurses Association Fall Meeting 2006 The purpose of ANNA's Fall Meeting is to provide nurses in all roles within nephrology an opportunity to learn and problem solve together. The conference will help you address the challenges of providing care to individuals with chronic kidney disease within a variety of clinical settings across the continuum of kidney disease therapies.The presence of any product, company, or corporation in any recording or content in no way signifies an endorsement of the product, company or corporation by ANCC Commission on Accreditation or the American Nephrology Nurses' Association (ANNA). "Summarize the importance of Standards of Practice and Guidelines for Care in the nursing care of patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD). Relate the pathophysiology of CKD to the risk factors for cardiovascular disease, including hypertension, dyslipidemia, anemia, and bone disease. Describe the nursing care involved for patients with CKD who develop complications leading to cardiovascular disease. Outline the treatment plan for the patient with CKD and cardiovascular disease. " df87b0ef02840c6f20b2367fd0278e75 Video Rating: 0 / 5 Learn basic information on kidney disease from the experts at Kidney Disease Info Blog.
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