kidney.function?dr never told me loss of my kidney function was serious. he said there is nothing he can do about it. he has me scared to death. i am 65 have had no problems all along he just did a blood test and found i am 40% of my kidney function never told me to do anything my self. boy so confused
Posted by Randy K
Ask for a consult to a Nephrologist. People live on alot less than 40% but you need to have this followed closely.
Posted by Mr. Knowitall
You can live just fine on 20% of kidney function. But you should have it checked every so often from now on. If you're diabetic, it could be that you have nephropathy and your kidneys function is slowly decreasing.
Posted by n4l
Depending on the cause of the loss of function, your doc may not be able to do anything about it. However, you should go to a nephrologist so you can be more closely monitored.
Orignal From: kidney.function?
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