
Kidney Disease: can someone check my biology answers?

can someone check my biology answers?ok so im trying to study for my bio quiz and i answered some multiple choice questions at the end of the chapter. can someone just tell me if i got it wrong and if i did what is the right answer? thank you! i already know the 1st one is correct so i wont post it.

2.) Which type of glands are ductless? (b)
a. exocrine
b. endocrine
c. Both a and b are correct
d. neither a nor b is correct

3.) Which hormones can cross cell membranes? (b)
a. peptide hormones
b. steroid hormones
c. both a and b are correct
d. neither a nor b is correct

4.) The anterior pituitary controls the secretion(s) of: (b)
a. both the adrenal medulla and the adrenal cortex
b. both thyroid and adrenal cortex
c. both ovaries and testes
d. both b and c are correct

5.) Growth hormone is produced by the (c)
a. posterior adrenal gland
b. posterior pituitary
c. anterior pituitary
d. kidneys
e. none of these are correct

6.) ____ is released through positive feedback and causes ____: (c)
a. insulin, stomach contractions
b. oxytocin, stomach contractions
c. oxytocin, uterine contractions
d. none of these are correct

7.) PTH causes the blood levels of calcium to ____, and calcitonin causes it to ____: (b)
a. increase, increase
b. increase, decrease
c. decrease, increase
d. decrease, decrease

8.) Bodily response to stress includes: (e)
a. water reabsorption by the kidneys
b. blood pressure increase
c. heart rate increase
e. all of these are correct

9.) Anabolic steroid use can cause: (e)
a. liver damage
b. severe acne
c. balding
d. reduced testicular size
e. all of these are correct

10.) Lack of aldosterone will cause a blood imbalance of: (b)
a. sodium
b. potassium
c. water
d. all of these are correct
e. none of these are correct

11.) Glucagon causes: (d)
a. use of fat for energy
b. kidney disease
c. all of these are correct
d. Both a and be are correct
e. none of these are correct

12.) Long-term complications of diabetes incude: (d)
a. blindness
b. kidney disease
c. circulatory disorders
d. all of these are correct (blindness, kidney disease, circulatory disorders)

13.) Diabetes mellitus is associated with (b)
a. too much insulin in the blood
b. too high a blood glucose level.
c. blood that is too dilute
d. all of these are correct

14.) Which of these is not a pair of antagonistic hormones? (c)
a. insulin- glucagon
b. calcitonin- parathyroid hormone
c. cortisol- epinephrine
d. aldosterone- atrial natriuretic hormone (ANH)

15.) Which hormone and condition is mismatched? (d)
a. growth hormone- acromegaly
b. thyroxine- goiter
c. parathyroid hormone- tetany
d. cortisol- myxedema
e. insulin- diabetes

thank you so much to whoever helps!
the answers i chose were in the ( ) right after the question. but don't worry about it i already took the quiz, thanks!

Posted by Nevada Smith
d is the answer to number 12 but how can I check you answers when all I see are the questions?

Anyway you might find this link at least interesting:

Add your own answer in the comments! Learn basic information on kidney disease from the experts at Kidney Disease Info Blog.

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