
How long did your cat live after he/she was diagnosed with kidney disease or renal failure? my baby just died.?

How long did your cat live after he/she was diagnosed with kidney disease or renal failure? my baby just died.?my cat was 17 and im so upset the evil vets didnt tell me he had it and how to manage it. i have been feeding him wellness which is the worst diet to feed a cat with kidney disease becuase its high in protien, phosphorus and salt. but the vet never told me what to do, an didnt know by reserching the internet and his symptoms that is what he died of and how i could have manged it. th eonly thing she sent me home with that i gave him for a year was subq fluids. i feel so violated and feel guilty for my cat that i could have taken better care of him and greatly lenghthened his life with better info from the vet. if i knew i would have even got 3 jobs to save for a kidney transplant or taken a loan out for it.
sorry for typos. it snot really my spelling -just typing fast. ie, lengthened, research, protein. I plan to attend law school and practice medical malpractice, and go after vets that withhold information to pet parents and let animals disease exacerbate to the point of death in an attempt to get more money out of people instead of promoting good health of which they took an oath to do.

Posted by Ken S
I am very sorry for your loss. Wellness is not the worst for crf. The vet's diet is. You do not want to feed low protein but a quality protein
In any event was a blood test done to confirm this? there are many symptoms that can be similar to kidney disease.
I am deeply sorry. We choose tears


Posted by Pringle
I'm very sorry to hear about your cat. :'(
I wonder if you could sue the vet! Probably not, but he really should have told you about your cat's sickness.
As long as your cat was loved, he is lucky to have lived until 17, and he is in a better place and not in pain.
I'm so sorry for your loss :'(

Posted by Elaine M
Kidney issues are checked via blood tests, the vet looks at the results of the organ function and they address the problem as it shows up.

Mine has had kidney failure for 4 years now. We tried the special diets, he wouldn't eat them. We had to put him back onto regular food and I also give raw, which seems to help. He's been maintained fairly ok for all this time on that. Yes, low salt is important. The word on protein levels is still sort of up in the air. If a cat gets enough fluids, the protein levels aren't as important. The cat needs to stay hydrated to keep water through the kidneys and not let the density build up in the urine. If this means syringing more water into the cat daily, then that's what you do. If this means giving fluids sub-Q then that's what you do.

Most vets are not trained in feline nutrition, they go by old knowledge, new research, or make sure to attend special conventions focused on feline care (vet conventions). Not all vets keep up on every disease, some specialize in dogs, some just don't look at any new research and go with what they were taught at vet school. It's up to us to find what's important about what our cats have, join up with groups who also research (there are yahoogroups cat lists for almost every disease), and to question the vets when we don't know if what they say is right.

Renal failure is irreversable. Kidney issues come to every old cat, and while it can be staved off for a time, it's not cureable. Not yet anyway. Living with loss of function can be done, so long as some of it still is functioning, but in the end, kidney issues turn into a full renal failure for the body.

I'm sorry for the loss of your pet. Wellness is a good food, but it is high in protein. Then again, I've heard of people with kidney disease in cats who went to a completely raw diet and that kept the cat doing well for years. Full raw is full protein. So there are still some things not known about the protein intake.

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Orignal From: How long did your cat live after he/she was diagnosed with kidney disease or renal failure? my baby just died.?

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