
Can a kidney infection turn into something more serious like chronic kidney disease?

Can a kidney infection turn into something more serious like chronic kidney disease?I have a kidney infection. Well my doctor diagnosed me with a UTI but I have the symptoms of a kidney infection any how, I have never had any problem like this before and I am really scared. I took antibiotics and am drinking cranberry juice and taking cranberry pills like crazy. I am very healthy I exercise and eat right and I dont even drink soda. I just need to know if this can get worse and how long dose it take to get rid of a kidney infection? Please Help!

Posted by RysMom
Make sure you see a doctor for a follow up to make sure this kidney infection is gone! I went to school for nutrition, and we did major work in a dialysis center, and several patients there had low grade kidney infections that started with one simple kidney infection, and it never went away fully, although they thought it did. This wears down the kidneys over a lifetime, and can end in kidney failure (end stage renal disease). When the antibiotics that were prescribed for you are gone, I would call the doctor and tell him you want a follow up to ensure that your infection is cleared up. Thats not to say that all kidney infections end up as renal disease, this is just to remind you that kidney infections aren't something to play around with, so make sure you get it properly taken care of! (Which is sounds like you are).

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