
Kidney Disease: Are there any causes of pitting edema in the feet that aren't serious?

Are there any causes of pitting edema in the feet that aren't serious?I have noticed that I have mild pitting edema in both of my feet. However, for the past few days I have been sitting constantly which I'm hoping might be an explanation, but it seems as though all I can find as principle causes for pitting edema are heart, liver, or kidney failure/disease.

I know nothing is impossible and I do plan to see a doctor soon if the swelling does not subside, but I am a 19-year-old female who has always been healthy, so it is difficult to fathom that I could be facing the failure of a major organ.

The swelling is noticeable but the pitting only occurs in certain spots.

Could my constant sitting be a cause?

Posted by Baa Baa
Yes, it could be from sitting all the time. Standing a lot can do it also. It's just a circulatory thing in which the fluids kind of pool there due to gravity. It can be a symptom of a health problem, but it can happen to healthy people too.

I can remember when I first went to nursing school. We were on our feet all day, and the first thing the nursing instructor told us to do was that when we get home after work, we should lie down and elevate our legs up above our heads (lay them against a wall is good) and leave it like that for about 15 minutes. It gives your legs a chance to get rid of that fluid that accumulates all day from being on your feet all day. It's good for them.

If it's possible to even elevate your feet on another chair for awhile while you are sitting or even on a break, it might help. It is a good idea to ask your doctor about it too since he/she can examine you.

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