
esrd, chf, chronic copd, on oxygen?

esrd, chf, chronic copd, on oxygen?my mother is 66, her kidneys are functioning at 20%, her lower extremities are very swollen, nausea, tingling in hands and feet, anemic, bruising very easily, dry skin basically she has all the symptoms of end stage renal disease. Dialysis isn't an option for her as it will not help her quality of life. The doctor has called palliative care but she hasn't given a life expectancy time. I need to know how long a person can live like this. I dont want her to die but i also dont like to see her suffer. If you already answered this question i apologize i didn't receive the answers as i looked in the wrong e-mail account. any info on this would be appreciated, thank you...Laurie

Posted by Sam O
From what you are describing, Palliative care does seem like the best rout. No one knows when someone will die except for God. The point of palliative care is to minimize or relieve suffering of the patient. If your mother is suffering and is under palliative care, feel free to express this to your nurse and or doctor. Changes can be made to her care to relieve suffering such as altering any palliative medication she is receiving.

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Orignal From: esrd, chf, chronic copd, on oxygen?

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