
Kidney Disease: How can I improve the health and function of my kidney?

How can I improve the health and function of my kidney?I have stomach problems including bloating that I am starting to think may be related to my kidney function. Anybody have experience with this?

Posted by catherine e
Drink lots of water to clean out the kidneys.

Posted by karen wonderful
For kidneys, drink a lot of water and cut down on salt. For stomach probems, sounds like gas. Take phayzyme for gas.

Posted by bryrose.geo
I have polycystic kidney disease which a hereditary condition. It is basically the formation of cysts in the kidney. By itself it is not life threatening, but I am more prone to kidney infection and stones than the average person.

To answer your question. Best things you can do for your kidneys is to drink lots or clear liquids such as water. Cranberry juice is also good. If you smoke you should quit, as smoking increases the rate of organ decay.

Hope this helps. Have a good day!

Posted by spicy girl 1
Check with your doctor you may be retaining fluid. He could prescribe something that could help.

Posted by lalaland...123
diabetes is directly related to renal (kidney) failure -- so always watch your sugar intake. respiratory problems also have something to do with it.
i suggest you ask your doctor to give you a check-up -- blood tests and everything just to see where you're at and if there are any potential problems. if you are healthy, that doesn't mean you can eat anything, drink anything and smoke. if you are serious about being healthy, this require a lifestyle change -- meaning permanent.
with bloating -- it could be something that you eat that's causing you to bloat. do you drink soda? do you eat dairy often? or sometimes, just by eating too much can cause bloating. so watch your food intake.
the intention to take care of your kidney is good, but don't forget the other vital organs as well! your heart, your lungs, everything -- our bodies are like dominoes -- when one fails, the rest will fail as well.

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